TSB Overdraft Charges @ www.tsb.co.uk
These each include £25 interest-free overdrafts to get you started and then a usage fee of £6 comes in alongside 19.94% EAR. You can purchase a Control upgrade for £10 a month that is designed around preventing fees for overdrafts. Then there is the Added Value Accounts that have monthly costs. This includes Silver (£9.95) and Platinum (£17). The Silver interest-free rate covers £50 and Platinum extends to £300. These offerings include AA and AXA insurance. Some of the accounts previously available at www.tsb.co.uk have now been removed that includes Gold, Premier and Select. There is an account for graduates and students. Fee-free deals are included.
Other active bank accounts include the Cash Account for basic banking and the Islamic Account. When it comes to the Unplanned TSB overdraft charges, there is always a £10 buffer. This follows with a £6 usage fee and 19.94% interest. The daily fees are set at £5 up to £25 and £10 daily for anything above, but they impose 8 fees max throughout the month. I did spot that for returned items you are charged £10 for each item. The discussed charges are similar to Lloyds. Perhaps this will change when the brand is fully sold off. You can of course receive 5% on balances here that helps them to stand out.