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MonkeyDosh @


MonkeyDosh is a Manchester payday loan company that launched back in 2010 with their loans being served from They have grown quickly, particularly with residents in their home city. This product is a monthly one that grants new customers starting sums from £100 to £250. In the FAQ it marks that return customers can receive £750, although on the homepage you will see the promotion of £1000. This amount must have to be accessed once logged in since only £750 is shown on their application form. We have referenced this firm how they have done over the years, but more recently they tend to use “Monkey Dosh”.

When it comes to the product costs, the interest has been set at 25% that creates a £25 per £100 charge. There has always been some confusion surrounding their funding costs though. In the “Our Charges” section there is no note of any fast funding cost, as well as anywhere else across the site. Many sources highlight a same day transmission fee standing at £12.50 and so this is likely to be required for anyone that isn’t willing to wait on slow funding. I did spot a promotional poster for them that had the attached promo code (MKD1) that was headed to remove the faster payments fee.

This poster was published back in early 2013 though and so it may have now expired. The site does take encrypted applications and they do provide a login to all customers. These loans are not available over the weekend with their listed business trading hours being 9am to 5pm from Monday to Friday. This lender has been a firm favourite across Manchester where they do tend to do most of their advertising. This is through posters, radio ads on Key 103 and so on. Applicants in self-employment can still be accepted here and bad credit is welcomed so long as the income coming in shows that the repayments can be made without any problems.