Barclays Overdraft Charges @
When picking out the Barclays overdraft charges there was a range of accounts headed at The central one is the Barclays Bank Account. This has a £15 buffer and then a charge of 75p per day up to £1000. The price rises to £1.50 up to £2000 and then any amount over £2000 is £3 per day. This follows with an Emergency Borrowing limit that creates a £5 fee that is capped at 7 days and so you never pay above £35 per month. Going past this further you will receive an £8 unpaid transaction fee. Only one such charge will be imposed daily (the highest).
If you choose this account with “Packs” added then the overdrafts are free to £200, but you pay monthly for these upgrades. The Premier Current Account (income required of £75,000+) is another popular banking choice. Overdrafts here have no fees up to £1000 and then the same specs apply as above. Higher Education and Student Additions are free up to high cash amounts. Graduate Additions is the same, but this costs £7 monthly. Premier Life is another paid option. Their most basic offering (Cash Card Account) has no facility for overdrafts. Overall, their updated banking accounts and fees are packaged well, but you would ideally see higher buffer limits.